
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 488 Stable

很小巧的BT客户端程序,拥有常见的功能,但是不支持 UDP 的连接协议.内网下载方面也有不错的表现,外网就更不用提了.支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持 UPnP,支持流行的 BT 扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持 DHT,最小内存占用仅 6MB.

下载:µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 488 Stable

Changes in Version 1.6.1 (build 488), 2007-02-13:
- Feature: Select upload/download speed for a torrent through the rightclick menu
- Feature: Added encryption box to speed guide
- Change: Don't check as many pieces at the same time.
- Change: Misc WebUI changes.
- Change: Switch to JSON for webinterface
- Fix: Problem with category list in the gui when updated from the webui
- Fix: WebUI not clearing state between requests.
- Fix: Redirect also index.html to guest.html
- Fix: Added On Now shows the time it's added, not loaded.
- Fix: JSON uses " instead of '
- Fix: (a) Upnp fix
- Fix: Show pause icon when checking is paused.
- Fix: Fixed problems with XML parser
- Fix: Don't allow two message boxes to be shown in the RSS window
- Fix: Changed some window titles
- Fix: Fix malformed .torrent exploit
- Fix: Boss key field is now larger

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