
Windows Vista Hardware Assessment Public Beta

Windows Vista Hardware Assessment Public Beta发布!这是一个针对Windows Vista的硬件管理工具,包括网络诊断,硬件兼容性评估与报告汇总.最新的版本已经在Connect上出现,版本号为,内含更多信息.

  • Software: Windows Vista Hardware Assessment Public Beta Build
  • Powerpoint Files: How to Use Microsoft Connect (back up a database file and submit bug)

To encourage you to file feedback and bugs to our development team during this Public Beta period, we are announcing the official Windows Vista Hardware Assessment Beta-Fest Contest.

How Does It Work?

The Windows Vista Hardware Assessment team will evaluate each submission for its impact to the overall development program and the winners of each of the following 3 categories (see below) will each receive a special Windows Vista memorabilia gift and an Award Certificate hand-signed by the Windows Vista Hardware Assessment management and development team.

What Are the Categories? Who Can Win?

1) Most Prolific (Top 3 individuals with the most # of bugs filed)

2) Most Impactful (Top 3 individuals with the most impactful bugs filed)

3) Best Overall Feedback (Best bug for the entire Public Beta program)

Beta-Fest Contest Time Frame:

1) Start Date - February 1, 2007

2) End Date - February 12, 2007

To get to the beat check out http://connect.microsoft.com


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