
mks_vir 2007 for Windows 波兰杀软

出自波兰的mks_vir是一高度有效功能强大的反病毒程序, 功能多, 设定也多, 不仅是防毒软件, 还有防火墙,是家庭用户和专业用户理想的杀毒工具.可有效预防病毒或木马后门入侵,其启发式比起NOD要牛的多了,扫描速度惊人,能在实时监控下直接杀压缩包内个别的带毒的档案, 而不必删除整个压缩包.


MKS 公司创立于 1996 年。它是波兰全资公司,主要活动领域是制造 mks_vir 防病毒程序。 该公司的人员由经验丰富的高级专家组成。 公司的目的是为客户提供易于使用的创新解决方案。

*** Antivirus monitor, deeply embedded in the core of the Windows system, controls in the real time all the file operations. For that reason it is able to stop the activation of a virus in course of executing operations on the hard disk, floppy disk, CD/DVD or other carriers. The monitor, at the activation, checks whether in the computer memory there is a virus installed. If this is the case, the virus is removed.

*** Disk and file scanner is a traditional element of antivirus software. During one quick run it can scan many physical and network drives. It detects viruses, Trojan horses and Internet worms. Moreover, beside the standard scanner operating in the Windows environment, mks_vir package contains also a 32-bit DOS scanner (fully compatible with the Windows version). This scanner allows to delete viruses from files used by the Windows system, and also to delete viruses located in the boot sector and the partition table of the hard drive. Under special circumstances, it is possible to disinfect the computer after starting it from the installation CD or from the start-up floppy disk of mks_vir package.

*** Email scanner. mks_mail module allows to use the electronic mail safely. mks_mail is compatible with all the mail programs, e.g. Outlook, The Bat, Eudora, Pegasus. By means of scanning the dataflow between the server and the mail client, it removes all the threats, among others Internet worms that have become one of the most serious threats throughout the last two years. Thanks to those functions, the user does not have to remember about the necessity to scan files attached to messages.

*** Automatic updater. The function of mks_update automatic update module is to provide the computer with the most recent virus definitions and mks_vir package elements on current basis. The program reacts to alerts published by the manufacturer the moment new threats emerge. After the Internet connection has been detected, the update process of the package starts. mks_update program allows to minimise the costs of Internet connections thanks to the mechanism of repository. In small networks only one workstation has to connect to the Internet in order to download the update elements. Other stations update the program through the local network from that station. After installing mks_update, the user can forget about the necessity of updating mks_vir software, since mks_update remembers about it.

*** Administration system. mks_administrator is an advanced administration system allowing to centrally control the update process and the operation of mks_vir program in corporate w networks.
This system allows to undertake the following actions:
- automatic update of the most recent version of antivirus software,
- central management of monitor configurations on the client stations (directly on individual stations or in groups),
- possibility to disable the monitor deactivation option by the user working on one of the stations,
- possibility to disable the option to change configuration by the user,
- task scheduling,
- update of the software at any time, as many times as wanted,
- scanning of the stations in search of viruses, e.g. out of the business hours,
- access to the central base of logs and reports on the activity of viruses,
- access to central information on software installed on workstations, including: data related to the monitor status, dates of the software versions, version of the operating system,
- management of the group of servers with the use of one console.

*** Additional benefits. The specialists of the Antivirus Laboratory constantly control threats appearing in the Internet and prepare cures against new viruses in the shortest possible time (2-3 hours).

Homepage - http://english.mks.com.pl



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