Walter Bright 正在准备发行他的D编程语言1.0版本.D语言是一个系统编程语言,它着眼于结合C和C++和现代语言例如Ruby和Python等程序开发人员的生产力.特别注意质量保证、文献、管理、可移植性和可靠性.以下是D语言的功能列表,有兴趣的程序员们可以参看.
For those with a C/C++ background, D offers:
For those with a C/C++ background, D offers:
- native code speed
- extremely fast compilation times
- garbage collection (although you can manage your own memory if you want)
- OOP - by reference only, easy initialization, always virtual
- cleaner template metaprogramming syntax, more powerful templates, as well
- built-in dynamic and associative arrays, array slicing
- versioning (no preprocessor madness)
- link-compatibility with C
- nested functions
- class delegates / function pointers
- module system
For those with a C#/Java background (a shorter list, but one with big wins):
- similar syntax
- No virtual machine or interpreter
- built-in unit testing and design-by-contract
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